You are running a Great Risk when you consider this a Spiritual Attack.
The rising incidents of breast lesions among the teens and twenties in our environments is calling for increased focus in preventive measures and cancer type diagnosis to reduce cost of treatment of Breast Cancer.
This is a type of cancer that affects the breast tissue, originating commonly from under-liming of milk ducts (Ductal cancer) or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk (lobular cancer). Majority of cases, 99% occur in women while men are the least affected. It is the most common cancer in women.
Generally the cause of cancers is unknown, but there are promoters or factors that increase the chances of having it.
- Gender: It affects more women than men, 99% of cases are women.
- Age: It is seen in old women after menopause but can strike much easier.
- Family History: Especially from the maternal side.
- Personal History of cancer in one breast increase risk by 5 times in the other breast.
- Starting periods very earlybefore 15 years of age.
- Late menopause: after 55 years.
- Not having children:never pregnant
- Not breast feeding children.
- Benign breast diseaselike lump or cysts.
- Dense breast tissue or obesity.
- High alcohol intake.
- Exposure to radiationundergoing X-rays and CT scans often.
Early stage causes no pain; first signs are fairly subtle so watch out for:
- Lump or thickening in or near the breast or underarm.
- Change in size or shape of breast.
- Change in the colour or feel of the skin of the breast, areola or nipple.
- Lump or any change felt or seen during monthly breast exam.
- Dimpling of the skin over the lumps as it enlarges.
- Nipple retraction: nipple is drawn backwards.
- Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits.
There are various steps of disease progression that ranges from early curable stage to incurable spread (metastatic) stage.
They include: 0,1,2,3, and 4 stages.
It is very stage, size of tumor is small and cancer cells are confined to a very limited area of the breast.
Still early stage, cancer cells contained in the breast area but has begun to grow or spread.
Cancer has advanced and invading surrounding tissues near the breast.
Cancer has spread beyond to other parts of the like the bones, liver, lungs or brain.
There is no sure way to prevent breast cancer but doing the following things can reduce the chances of occurrence.
- Self-breast examination in a particular date of the month for menopausal women and ten days after menses each month for menstruating women. Report any abnormality like lump to successful treatment.
- Avoid becoming overweight, maintain body mass index under 25.
- Physical exercise reduces risk by 10-30%
- Diet high in vegetables, fruits whole grains and low in sugared drinks, calories and fats.
- Drink little or no alcohol.
- Avoid use of hormonal drugs to manage menopausal symptoms.
- Use of estrogen-blocking drugs like taxonifen and reloxifene for those with family history or over 60 years of age.
- Don’t smoke.
- Breast feed your babies for as long as possible, at least for a year.
Breast cancer is curable if detected early. Treatment options are based on the stage of the cancer and are as follows:
- Drugs to shrink the tumor and stop the cancer cells from dividing.
- Radiotherapy – use of high – energy X-rays to kill or stop cancer cells from growing.
- Surgery – operation to remove the cancer from the breast or the breast that has cancer.
Be wise, breast cancer is not a spiritual attack, early detection and treatment will save your life.
Literature Source: Health Education Unit, Clinical Services Department Federal Medical Centre Owerri.
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