If you have not read the first episode of this story; kindly do so before reading this episode for better understanding.
Ø Your children could become total strangers to you because they are being trained by your House help who grew up from different family background, orientation and values. So spend more time with your children as well as asses their orientation and values.
Ø For every corrective measures you give to your House help for whatever reason; you would most likely get the revenge from him/her through your children or directly to you. Unless he/she appreciate the essence of the corrective measures. So correct with love.
Ø When your House help has some super natural powers or connections, you would certainly have a super natural tale one day. But then, it could be late. So be at peace with God through prayers and pure heart; by so doing, no weapon formed against you shall prosper.
Ø Most contests and battles are won due to experience. Your children could be very intelligent but your House help could be more experienced. Due to past experiences, he/she could know the game of compromise more than your children; for instance, he/she can take blames and punishments accrued to the misdeeds of your children so that your children would remain indebted and under his/her control. He/she would hold that secret as a weapon of blackmail. Worst still, your House help can control your spouse through sexual relationship. If any of these is achieved; your House help is the BOSS. So, be wise as serpent and gentle as dove.
Ø In all, you are training your House help to be better skilled and multi talented through those domestic services he/she is providing you. So allow your children too, to do those domestic services so that they can grow.
Are you having a rethink about your House help because of this post? I am sure that this post is not aimed at making you become too suspicious of your House Help. Do not forget that your House Help is that individual that either needs a home to be integrated into for many reasons or needs the cash you pay to earn a living. If you must have any of them; then you must curb his /her negative powers as House help by giving him/her the right integration. Never under estimate the powers of your House help, she/he could be your boss right inside your house.