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Do not be left out! Fight for the orange world.

As we mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women today; 25th November, we need to bring to the notice of the whole world that violence against women is a global pandemic. There is need to fight it to safe guard the human rights of women, stop discrimination and ensure conducive environment

for women to improve and succeed.

Violence against women and girls are usually in the forms of physical and emotional abuse. Physical abuses like battery and rape contribute greatly to the global health burden. They are phenomena that must be stopped and replaced with respect, love, worth and sense of sacredness of womanhood.  Some cultural practices like early marriage and female genital mutilation are posing serious challenges to the global public health. They must be eliminated for our girls to lead their normal lives.
Emotional abuses emanating from derogatory speeches, denial of basic needs and certain benefits, denial of education and leadership positions put women and girls in perpetual agony as well as kill their self esteem. Their potentialities are stagnated since they are not put in use, resulting to economic and psychological break down.
The most agonizing part is that these abuses are norms in some societies of the world. While some societies with laws protecting women from violence find it difficult to enforce it, either due to lack of will power or lack of techniques for enforcement. Today, women are reminded to take their destinies in their hands; while men are reminded to respect, love, cherish, protect and encourage them with equal opportunities to excel.
Today, the phrase “Orange World” designed with orange colour is a campaign that symbolizes a wonderful future void of violence. A future; where women and girls will no longer be targets or victims of abuses, and will no longer face humiliation, pain, disease burden, trauma and rejection. So we must heal their wounds, protect, and support them; so as to achieve a lasting peace and a healthy society for ourselves and for our children.

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One thought on “Do not be left out! Fight for the orange world.

  1. All hands really need to be on deck to put a stop to not just violence on women but violence on the entire human race.We should use more of our human intellect and less of our animalistic instinct so as to make the world a better place.

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